Forum & Peer Group Facilitation
“Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy, but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Adam is a certified facilitator and trainer for Young President Organization (YPO) Forums and other peer groups interactions.
"Forum has been the most impactful self-development and self-actualization journey of my life. It has brought unbelievable value to my personal relationships and success in business."
Being a YPO member and living the impact of Forum, Adam has an unrelenting passion for peer group interactions and learning. He has held every Forum champion role as a YPO member including serving as a portfolio champion on the International Forum Committee. In his role on the Committee, he led efforts to re-write YPO’s core Forum products including the Four Step Forum Exploration, wrote a white paper on virtual Forums and championed the Forum Officer Workshop. He also brings his perspective as a member - as 2nd generation family business CEO, founder and entrepreneur, and a hired gun - to his facilitation and training.
Uniquely, Adam brings the philosophies and mental discipline of traditional martial arts to his work. He has been actively training in the martial arts for 35+ years and an master instructor for over 20 years. The philosophies of respect, practice, continual improvement, acting with intention, and self-sufficiency align with his viewpoint that Forum is a journey that one must have the disciple to walk and continually work on, and that the journey is where the growth and value come from.
Adam enjoys a diversity of Forum work from new Forum kickoffs to helping existing Forums drive more value. With his long experience in Forum champion and training roles, he has a deep knowledge of YPO’s training materials and processes to draw on to help moderators and Forum Officers bring more value to their roles and has designed and led moderator meetings, chapter stir-fry’s and other fun and innovative events. Adam also draws on his experience as a martial artist and instructor to bring something unique and different to his facilitations.
Forum Fundamentals
Moderator Development & Moderator Meetings
Forum Retreats, SUperCharges & Forum Kickstarts
Chapter-wide Forum Experiences
Chapter Strategic Planning
The Four-Step Forum Exploration
Forum Officer Training
Adam customizes retreats to the experience and value each individual Forum and member is looking for. Some of his areas of focus are:
Family & family business dynamics including estate & succession planing, family governance and the creation of a family constitution
Goal setting
Process improvement
Improving group dynamics and individual value from Forum
Understanding the M.O. of you through Kolbe
Understanding the Four-Step Forum Exploration
Martial Arts & Self-Defense
Qualifications and Certifications
YPO Member since 2001
Certified Forum Facilitator (CFF) for YPO since 2016
Chapter Forum Officer
Regional Forum Officer
International Forum Committee & Forum Experience Portfolio Chair
Forum Officer Workshop Champion
Regional Forum Innovation Award Winner & Best-of-the-Best Honorable Mention 2010
Center for Creative Leadership 360 Evaluation Certified Facilitator
Member of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF)
ForumWithin Associate - Certified
Certified Kolbe Consultant