I am very proud of my dad. He has been the most influential role model and mentor in my life, and not just in business. He is a self-made success and was attributed as one of the most influential leaders in the electrical wholesale industry (the industry I grew up in and where I spent most of my career).
When he retired, other than the pink slip I gave him (kind of cool to give your dad his pink slip 😎 ), his WPO Forum presented him with the Steiner Sea Scrolls – Teachings in Success! This was a list of the “ancient” wisdom that had guided him in his career. For a short history lesson – the Dead Sea Scrolls from which we took the name are the largest and second oldest surviving set of writings ever found that contain works included in the modern bible. They were written between 150 B.C. and 70 A.D.!
There are 10 success principles in the Steiner Sea Scrolls (yes, another biblical reference – the Ten Commandments). Here is the first scroll:
I. Success is Planning – You must have a plan for what you wish to accomplish – this year – this month – this day. Planning is the heart of success for every high achiever. Steiner Law of Planning – “Spend at least 15% of your time in planning or you will spend 60% of your time putting out fires caused by your lack of planning.”
II. Success is Vision – Today’s rapid changes make plans quickly obsolete. A clear vision of where you want to be is essential – being right or being first requires learning from mistakes and disappointments. Assessing your goals, changing your course and establishing new paths are essential.
III. Success is Action – A plan without action is wishful thinking. Goals without action are dreams. Success without action is luck. Failure and disappointments are the products of poor planning and implementation.
More to come…
“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.