You Can't Handle The Truth!

Living within spitting distance of our nation’s Capital, we are exposed – more than most – to the back and forth antics between our political leaders and the press.  I think it is an unofficial game they play – can the politician stay on their pre-planned script vs. can the press get them to answer a question they are not prepared for or don’t want to answer.  We see it all the time.  Leaders that do not answer the question.  They will go around and around the issue – talk for minutes if not hours – and never directly answer the question asked.  

This is a trap a lot of us can fall into – not directly answering the question.  Maybe we do not have an answer and do not want to look bad.  Maybe we do not think they will like the answer.  Maybe we do not understand the question or interpret it differently than the person asking it.  Maybe we think we need to give all the “what-ifs” and complicate the answer.  Regardless of the reason, this bad habit makes communication difficult and, in the end, makes us all work harder to get things done.

Here are three things you can do to avoid this:

1.       Before you answer, restate the question to make sure you heard it right – classic active listening.

2.       Always directly answer the question asked first.  If you have other info you want to share or context for your answer, say that AFTER you answer the question.

3.       Once answered, ask the other person – “Did I answer your question?”  This is positive confirmation and closes the loop.

Finally, when answering a question, “I don’t know” is a completely acceptable answer (only if it is truthful). Too many times we feel we compelled to provide an answer even if we don’t have one.

“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins

“I am not bound to please thee with my answer.” – William Shakespeare
