Smackdown! Positive Patty vs. Debbie Downer

The Law of Attraction basically states that positive things happen to you if you think and act positively (a Positive Patty), and that negative things happen to you if you think and act negatively (Debbie Downer).  So…which are you, and what are you attracting to yourself every day?  More importantly, which one would you want to be around?

Let’s all take a step closer to Positive Patty and away from Debbie Downer.  Bringing a positive attitude goes a long way.  The difference between a good day and a bad day isn’t what happens to you, it’s how you react and your attitude towards it.  This is especially true when trying to deal with difficult problems and challenges.  While we shouldn’t ignore and sweep problems under the rug, don’t just point out that there is a problem.  Don’t be one of those people that constantly complain and blame others for everything bad that happens.  Step up your responsibility a little, look to the future, and make a suggestion or two of how those challenges can be overcome.  

Being more positive can be as simple as more public praise and less public criticism, smiling more, focusing on processes not people when fixing problems, staying away from sarcasm (it is criticism not humor), and being appreciative and showing it.


“If you are not part of the solution, you must be part of the problem.” – Eldridge Cleaver

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
