Know Your ABCs

Experts claim that the most successful people aren’t necessarily the most intelligent or best educated; they’re the most emotionally resilient.

They don’t let negative emotions cloud their judgment.  Instead, they acknowledge such feelings as being inevitable and take responsibility for their actions.  A core habit of resilient people is their ability to manage the ABC loop.  

A = Antecedent is the stimulus that drives an emotional response to a behavior.

B = Behavior is the behavior you choose to exhibit as a result of an emotional response.

C = Consequence is the results you have to accept for your actions.

For example, you get into a barroom brawl because someone insulted you, you hit them and end up in jail for a night.  The Antecedent is the person insulting you which makes you angry.  The Behavior is you taking the first swing.  The Consequence is a night in jail (unless you are married or have to tell your mother and then the consequences at home could be worse).

Emotionally resilient people focus on controlling the space between the Antecedent and the emotion so they can CHOOSE their behavior instead of just react.  You get insulted.  Instead of clenching your fist in anger, take a breath and relax your body.  This lets you change part of the antecedent, and lets you more actively manage events to a consequence you prefer.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most resilient and responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – Carl Gustav Jung
