And now (drum roll please), the final scroll:
VIII. Success is Integrity – Do what you say you will do when you said you would do it. Fulfill your commitments, be honest and most importantly take responsibility for your actions. Lies and half-truths cannot be tolerated. Deliver on your promises. Remember integrity yields respect and respect yields loyalty and commitment.
IX. Success is Risk Taking – Regardless of your situation, moving up the ladder requires a willingness to take risks. Don’t be afraid of failure – most failures aren’t fatal. Think “outside the square” with a willingness to see things from a different perspective. Manage these risks carefully and they will pay off.
X. Success is Attitude - This tenet tells it all. A positive attitude with confidence in your plan is essential. Always be willing to put in your best efforts and go that “extra mile”. See the glass as half full not half empty and most importantly always assume full responsibility for your actions.
I hope these principles sound familiar. They should. Where you see successful companies and individuals you will find these tenants or very similar ones in their cultures and values. They permeate all the business books and speakers out there. It’s not rocket science. It just takes a unwavering dedication to doing it.
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!” – Henry Ford